
Showing posts from March, 2024

The Forty Fifth Poem- Unwritten Pages

Unwritten Pages  I try to refind the lost pieces of me, This mosaic of all broken things Is the raw, unfiltered me, Ready to fly with my wings. I will go to far places, Where the eyes can’t see; I will meet new faces, And share with them the magical me. Life awaits for me In the most precious of ways; All there is to life is to dwell in glee, Despite any circumstance I face. So tiny steps I take, Towards my dreams, And leave it to life to make them come true, By the most wondrous of means. The best is yet to come, Many pages yet to be written, What has happened is just some, There are more moments waiting for me to be smitten. -Jaanvi Veluguleti  

The Forty Fourth Poem- Life’s a Celebration

Life’s a Celebration  Life is a big canvas,  Waiting for you to splash colours. Continue to work and have faith regardless, And see life shower you with the prettiest of flowers. Life gets so much better, Once you let go of your worries. Your mind, body and spirit get so much fitter, When you make peace with all of your life’s stories. Life can get miraculously blessed, When you are good intentional; There would be no room for you to be stressed, And life would become much more special. Life is a one time experience, And it’s uniquely yours; Continue to extract its precious essence, And in times of despair, lean on the divine force. May we continue to believe In life’s magical ways of things; May we all have precious moments to relive, And may we strive to be the best of human beings. Life is about celebration, So in its grand scheme of things, May we continue to have revelations, And accept life in all the experiences that it brings. -Jaanvi Veluguleti