The Fourth Poem- Enigmatic Envisions

💭 Enigmatic Envisions 💬

Is it right
When you say
That you spent the night
Thinking about the day?

Is it true
That you will succeed
Just with an idea out of the blue,
Or did your hopes just exceed?

Is it mere sight
Giving you the illusion
That all you see isn't bright,
Or is it just a premonition?

Is it a spark
Inside you, that lights up
And makes you get out of the dark,
Backed by the almighty's blessing line-up?

Is it an inexplicable whimsy
Of how art can juggle your emotions,
Or does it make you all clumsy,
Altering your committed renditions?

Is it time to let go
Of all your preconceived notions,
To heal and to grow
And give form to new beautiful ones?

Is it love that is the solution for all
Aided by kindness, compassion and humanity,
Binding us so that we rise even if we fall,
Without ever losing our unity?

Is it all a cycle
That goes on and on,
Never letting us get out of the shackle
Of this continuous rollercoaster up and down?

Is it all just a spell
Cast by the Universe,
To showcase its marvel
To beyond, echoing into multiverse?

- Jaanvi Veluguleti


  1. Amazing! Beautifully written poem.

  2. Is it reading poems on perennial poetry leaves mind with reflective thoughts at end of the day after a busy day!!

    1. I am obliged! Thank you very much Sai mama😀❤

  3. I appreciate you reading my poems and being appreciative of them! I hope to write more things which you might enjoy reading. Thank you very much❤❤❤


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