The Eighth Poem- Kindred Spirits

πŸ’ž Kindred Spirits πŸ€

Oh Kindred Spirits!
Join me, we'll do it together.
Let's have frequent visits
To see how we can make this world better.

Shout-out to you, my allied forces,
For always trying to explore and expand;
I see you wiping away your tears and bruises,
As you strive to take your stand.

Give your valuable inputs;
Of course we'll consider others' views,
But your ideas are likely to give the most beneficial outputs;
They are the seeds to be sown for future blooms.

You want to grab a chance to prove yourself?
So be it, we will look forward to your innovations.
Let them run pages together and be left on the bookshelf,
Waiting to inspire the coming generations.

Let's start with the small changes,
We can make along our ways;
Let's make acquaintances and have pleasant exchanges,
The people will slowly but surely come and give us praise.

My dear kindred spirits,
But make sure your intentions are pure;
Your ideas should befit every soul there lives,
Only then of the best outcomes can you be sure.

Let's make this world better
For every living being that resides here;
This is an ode to those it does matter,
How much they can contribute to the betterment without any fear.

I believe all of us are kindred spirits,
In one way or another;
We shall lift up each other's spirits,
So that we fly higher and lighter like a feather.

- Jaanvi Veluguleti


  1. Thank you so much for taking out your time to read my poems!! I appreciate itπŸ™πŸ»❤


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