The Eleventh Poem- Through The Stars

✦★✰ Through The Stars⭐☆✩

I realised there's nothing nature cannot overcome;
It's so peaceful and kind.
Oh you should see the night sky,
You and I aren't afraid to admit it's a marvel to the eyes.

You know the Moon is a splendour sight,
With its different forms on every night.
The countless stars in constellations brighten up the sky,
They've been twinkling since the first-ever night.

I see Orion with the brightest star Sirius, its never-leaving neighbour,
Ah! It's the most magnificent constellation of all time.
I spot Ursa Major to its opposite side,
Inverted by 180 but an equally bright sight for sore eyes.

A rare sight of Scorpio is available too,
Reserved only for midnights and early mornings.
Consider yourself lucky if you ever see it,
'Cause I've seen it and it's another star-studded beauty.

Sometimes when I feel things are out of my control,
And I look up at the stars in the sky,
I feel a shiver run down my spine,
Reminding me to leave it up to the divine force.

Constellations are enchanting visions,
Eternal and always the same.
Acting as proof of ancient life,
And reminding me of the presence of higher power.

There is unconditional love in the lap of nature,
Always forgiving, generous, and impartial.
I realised if it's just the night sky giving me these feelings,
Then what if I see the whole of this miraculous creation?

I hope we all sense the magic around us,
And open our blindfolds to universal love.
This is my only prayer for all of us,
So that we may escalate to higher and higher horizons.

- Jaanvi Veluguleti


  1. Oh my Jaanvi, thanks for letting us embrace the beauty and magic through your words.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you! It means a lot to me that you have read and enjoyed it❤

  3. Thank you so much! I would love to know who you are!


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