The Ninth Poem- Euphoria Of Love

🟉Euphoria of Love💗

There's stardust on the floor.
Oh where did the magic come from?
Was it you who left the trail as you walked out of the door?
Yes you, Angel of Love, I've heard your secret hum. 

Never have I ever imagined,
That I would get to witness your magical power;
So overpowering, I feel your presence on me tightly gripped;
Such is your enchantment; you provide the happiest ever bower. 

I am trying to probe when you made your way,
Into my house, and then into my Self,
Was it when I was having the happiest day?
Or was it when I started looking deeper into myself?

I feel your beauty all around me,
My every cell, my every strand is thankful.
Would I ever have been able to imagine feeling so free?
This is all I have ever asked for, my heart is full. 

Oh Love, you are the greatest ever feeling in the world,
You are the Ultimate Law of this Universe.
Thank you for unravelling to me this mystery untold,
That you, Love, are the supreme power of ours. 

This is so magical a moment for me,
To see you tread out of the door;
Opening my eyes, leaving your powerful sparkle everywhere, inside me, around me;
Empower every being in the world out there too; go, show your magic and roar.

                                                                                                                   - Jaanvi Veluguleti


  1. Beautiful Jaanvi.....the ultimate drive of universe.. lovely poem...enjoyed a lot .. completely in love dear...stay blessed...

    1. Thank you so much Anuradha aunty! I am grateful that you took the time to read it❤!

  2. Beautifully written .god bless you

  3. A very beautiful insight Jaanvi ��❤️ Stupendous ❤️❤️❤️

    1. Thank you for being willing to read and sharing your thoughts dear Aasima😍!!

  4. Jaanvi, This is a true expression of the Ultimate power of Love.


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