The Tenth Poem- Antics With Alarm

 ↻Antics With Alarm⏰

It rings every morning, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock;
Oh please turn off the alarm clock!
I don't want to get up from this cozy place,
I just don't want to remove the blanket from my face.

I don't understand the reason behind the lack of motivation,
When it was me who wanted to do this out of inspiration;
I made plans to get up, and to do this, and to do that;
But now, I don't even want to get up and chat.

It doesn't matter who tries to wake me up,
It doesn't matter if the time is up;
All I am concerned about is my sleep,
Because it is the only thing that satisfies me so deep.

There is something running in the back of my head,
Nudging me to open my eye and take a step to race ahead.
But being so sleepy right now,
I brush it past back, to later suffer a blow.

So I take my time and slowly wake up,
Long past the sunrise, into mid-morning, after everybody wakes up;
Time slips by and it becomes night again,
I feel perplexed as I begin to rewind the day in my brain.

And I begin to realise...had I woken up at sunrise,
Time would then happily suffice,
To do everything I'd wanted, and would've reached my targets;
I would've been productive and wouldn't have any regrets.

Hopefully the day comes soon enough,
When waking up wouldn't feel so tough.
There would be a goal for me to achieve,
So I would be encouraged to get up and roll up my sleeve.

                                                                                                             - Jaanvi Veluguleti


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