The Fourteenth Poem- Embodiments Of Generosity

 Embodiments of Generosity

Oh are you feeling heavy dear Clouds?
'Cause I see you shedding your tears
As blessings to us on the grounds.
But you never seem to be in one place,
You just bless us with your showers and go away.
Your only nature is generosity; even when you seem to grieve, you show us grace.

Oh dear Sky, you are the bearer of the mighty enchantments,
The Sun, the Moon, the Planets, and the Countless Stars.
You bear the burden of binding them onto your big blank canvas.
Your only nature is generosity, cause you show these beauties to us.
It feels as if luck is in our favour to witness your magical canvas,
Claiming nothing from us, you just present yourself to us.

Oh my Trees, you guys are the most benevolent ones,
Your remarkable generosity knows no bounds.
You give air, seed, leaf, fruit, flower, and bower to anyone that comes,
You also house birds that make the prettiest sounds.
You are an inspiring example of growth-slow but definite,
Even when you shed off, you still radiate hope that is infinite.

Oh I would be a fool not to laud you, our mightiest Sun,
It's because of you that we stay blessed like this.
You give us endless opportunities every day for all kinds of fun,
You are my greatest inspiration for punctuality and endless generosity.
You, the brightest body, light up our Entire Planet,
What have you ever asked back from us?

Oh the bearer of us, the bearer of everything, our Mother, our Earth,
You silently hold us onto you, bearing all our acts;
You weep constantly, but still, in all that you give us, there is no dearth;
You hold everything - bodies, forces, and facts;
Your generosity is the biggest to be thankful for,
'Cause You’ve taken the responsibility to house us, which makes you, in our eyes, the warmest mother to care for.

- Jaanvi Veluguleti


  1. This is the kind of poem I'd like to read over several times and I feel like I would get to learn something new out of it each time.The imagery in this was also quite vivid. Lovely addition to your collection!

    1. Thank you for being so lovely❤!! Thank you for constantly following my blog & reading+sharing my poemsπŸ₯°! More to comeπŸ˜‰☺️

    2. Yess many more to goo , got your back always! ✨

  2. U managed to encompass the whole nature in a prayer of gratitude type... AWESOME πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ

    1. Thank you for expressing your thoughtsπŸ‘πŸ˜Š!!

  3. Good one! Nature is the best teacher..and we care little to respect it..

  4. Beautiful poem . God bless you dear


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