The Thirteenth Poem- Grave Misconceptions

 ❌Grave Misconceptions👎

You are not less than
If you don't have shiny pennies,
And you are not more than
If you own all the gold and the buildings.

It doesn't matter if you are helpless,
Nor does it matter if you are completely in satisfaction;
Even if you think your life is a mess,
You are loved beyond your imagination.

You matter in this world,
Behold, every inch of you is perfect.
You belong here, truth to be told;
You deserve every ounce of respect.

Thin or sleek doesn't give you shine;
Fat or big doesn't make you sick;
Tall or short, it's none's right to define;
To make you feel weak, these mere words just seem to do the trick.

Who said your appearance decides your worth?
Who said these things to you that make you self-loath?
These are just built up stories of the mouth,
That continue to rip us off of our truth.

But recognise that every being in this world is God sent;
Forgive them, 'cause you too are His precious ensemble;
Nothing in this world is permanent;
Just brush off all the remarks, and continue to be humble.

It might take some time to unlearn
After years of the same situation up and down;
But to realise the truth, always continue to yearn;
Until one day it doesn't bother you what anyone talks of you in the town.

- Jaanvi Veluguleti


  1. Very happy and proud the way you have been evolving and expressing through your poems Jaanvi papa💝

    1. Thank you my best and biggest supporter!! Love you amma❤💝

  2. Lovely poem Jaanvi😍

  3. You mesmerize me through your poems. Loved it thoroughly jaanvi.💕✨

    1. Thank you Lakshmi! I am so happy you love it😍😍 Means so much to me that you’ve read and commented☺

  4. A picture perfect expression of how a person's mindset ought to be👌👌👌👌....U R truly an awesome poet😍💯

  5. Very well written Jaanvi. It's very uplifting and gives the reader a chance to introspect and remind themselves that one is perfect and enough just the way they are. Your poems are very thoughtful and they are a joy to read.❤️❤️❤️

    1. It’s my pleasure to share these poems with you!! Your thoughts on my poems always give me so much joy! Thank you for the continuous love and support dear Aasima😍❤❤❤

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts sai mama😍🤗

  7. As beautiful and appealing as always!✨😇

  8. Thank you Murali! I am glad you enjoyed reading it☺

  9. Loved the poem,Jaanvi!Its really commendable,the way you have been expressing your thoughts through your poems and coming from one so young is truly amazing.Keep it up dear!

    1. Thank you Usha ammamma! I am so grateful for your love and encouragement always❤🤗💃


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