The Twelfth Poem- Onset Of Gratitude

๐ŸŒˆOnset Of Gratitude๐Ÿ™

Look around for yourself and see,
In little things there is happiness.
It doesn't matter even if you're weeping under a tree,
There is always scope for gratefulness.

It is human to have moments of grief and sadness,
To feel sorry and to feel helpless.
But it is also human to recognise the moments of joy amidst the hopelessness,
To heal, and come back stronger from the darkness.

It's better than a pill, it is pure magic;
One who understands it, will never want for anything ever again.
Gratitude is the saviour from the tragic;
So be grateful, and you will be saved again, and again, and again.

Be thankful that you are how you are,
'Cause mind you, it could've been worse;
From reaping the results of gratitude, you are never too far;
Just do it and witness the magic of the divine force.

Be grateful that you are alive,
And blessed to experience this beautiful life.
Be thankful every moment, and you'll be assured to thrive;
Gratitude is your secret, my friend, to an unimaginably extraordinary life.

- Jaanvi Veluguleti


  1. This one was unique and so heartfelt especially in its perspective. I absolutely love this poem.๐Ÿ’•✨

  2. I just found your poems, and their awesome, Keep writing them!

    1. Thank you for reading them! It means so much! Welcome to my blog๐Ÿ˜€ I would love to know who you are!

    2. Hey Pranaveer๐Ÿ˜ƒ Thank you for coming in and reading!! Happy to see you here๐Ÿ˜Š


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