The Seventeenth Poem- Plethoric Perturbations

 👤Plethoric Perturbations😨

Have you ever experienced,
Something you didn't know,
Until you went on with it, unhinged,
And finally uncovered it with the flow?

Is it right to ask yourself,
Or anyone else, if you're worth it?
Or are you strong enough to believe in yourself,
To tell yourself you can do it?

Does it really matter if it is small or big,
As long as it’s a wish to be fulfilled?
Your eyes break tears like you break a twig,
Your whims change suddenly, and then most of them stay unfulfilled.

Is it all that happens in the background,
The things that no one knows about?
That reflects as your reality in the foreground,
While ignorant heads turning to ask, “What’s all the chaos about?”

Could you care less when you are not okay?
Or need you still pretend to have a pleasing face?
“Why are you behaving that way?” is all they say,
When it's only for the moment you want to keep a straight face.

Are fragments of clarity all that you want,
To put together the pieces of your mess?
Are you scared of what might come in the night to haunt,
To make you feel like you're worse than less?

Will it ever be completely satisfying?
Will it ever be under your grip?
Will it ever be worth trying and fighting?
Will it always be on the verge of a flip?

Is it always a countdown?
Endless thoughts and talk in the town?
Until you make a firm showdown,
To show them who's worthy of the crown?

Will you ever be able to let it pass,
Let it just be what it is?
You could then peacefully lay on the grass,
Thinking of bees, beauty, and bliss.

- Jaanvi Veluguleti



  2. Damnn This is so great I think others could radiate positive energy from reading this!!! You consistently bring your all and I truly appreciate that.💕✨

    1. I gratefully appreciate you so much for supporting me and showing my poems so much love and encouragement Lakshmi!! It overflows my heart that you enjoy every syllable of my poems as much as I absorb every bit and bite while writing them! Thank you so much! I don't take it for granted💕💕

  3. Dear you are Divinely Blessed and Gifted. Thoroughly enjoyed.... Many more to follow. Good Loving Wishes


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