The Twentieth Poem- Discovering Destinations

Discovering Destinations🌄

Universe! Show me those places,
Where no one has been before,
Tell me, ’cause I want to explore,
Are there still places humans have not touched?

Let me leave everything and get on
A magical journey to a land newfound;
Then pause there, and let the beauty sink in;
Feel in my veins, the pureness and the calmness of the wonder therein.

It’s so gratifying to realise that
There are places the world wants me to see;
Asking me to unlock the gates,
Then get in, and run, rent-free.

I feel a welcome fuelled by warmth,
By the elements of these spaces;
Seeing these places, I revel in awe,
That there’s no dearth in nature whatsoever.

I think that lucky are those,
Wise enough to relish such explorations;
And experience the nature firsthand,
What it’s like to be where no one has stepped before.

There are always places no one’s been to before,
Wait till you visit them, then you’ll be sure.
You most certainly will be dazzled too,
Thinking, “What took me so long to come to you?”

Let us always continue to explore and expand,
Discovering new locations around us and inside us;
Let us always delve deeper and be present,
For the world is ours to enjoy and thrive.

- Jaanvi Veluguleti


  1. Beautiful jaanvi!!🤩🙌

    1. Thank you❣️
      I would love to know who you are☺️

    2. Good, waiting frt the next janu 😍 phanindra

  2. Awesome work 👏 😘

    1. Thank you❣️I want to know who you are😀

  3. Beautiful my Jaan❤
    I can't explain how excited I was when you announced your new release...Been waiting...May God grant you to expand your knowledge and self to spread the positivity always 💫

    1. Thank you amma💋
      Thanks for always being my biggest encourager❤️

  4. Yet another Lovely poem, every single poem written by you continues to ignite the sparks of awe and amazement. Love reading them. Wishing all the very best for the next ones too. Great job Jaanvi💕🫂

    1. Your words make my heart so happy! I am so glad my poems give you that feeling you describe 💖 It is my most intentional goal to make you feel good when you read them❣️
      I would love to know who you are😀

  5. Fabulous👏
    Especially 2nd stanza I loved it!👌❤️
    Keep writing more poems jaanvi😉

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely comments! I would love to know who you are❣️


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