The Twenty Third Poem- Holidays’ Reminiscence

Holidays’ Reminiscence

I feel the boredom sinking in,
The holidays are not quite how they used to be.
There are no prizes or contests for me to win,
It seems like the world has stopped for me.

It was always a holiday thing,
To wake up, even though a little late,
And gather around with friends for playing;
I cannot name better holiday moments to date.

Until one day all of it went into oblivion,
And gone were the days of games and fun,
Of puzzles, hopscotch, and badminton;
All these ancient joys mock back at me like a pun.

Flashes of those moments still come to me,
The songs, the scents, and the films of the holidays;
There was no one to tell me how to be,
And I still say, “Oh gosh! Those were the days!”

I would collect shells from piles of sand,
I would throw stones in little lakes,
I would alertly wait for my grandma’s command,
To open the oven and take out the cupcakes.

Taking long strolls together,
With no to-do lists in mind,
Except for holiday homework to ruin the weather;
These memories of the past, I often rewind.

Those precious bygone holidays,
When, even though we weren’t competing in a race,
Life was always surprising us in sweet little ways;
And every moment I relive brings a smile to my face.

I won’t lie; those days, now I envy,
Because I wish to experience them again.
I look back at those memories longingly,
And I promise myself to keep savouring them just like now, time and again.

- Jaanvi Veluguleti


  1. Ah! It is so much fun to read this poem, as I could relate very well to some lines like the days with no to-do lists in mind🙂

  2. Nostalgic💗

  3. Soo ..true those were the best days. No responsibilities,no maintaining status and no expectations to reach. So bad we realize it so late.
    Thank you Jaanvi for this wonderful poem.

    1. Indeed yes atha!! Thank you for sharing your thoughts❤️

  4. The best phase of our lives may be..We will be cherishing all the time!!
    U have depicted it beautifully 😍 javi

    1. Yess absolutely!! Thanks for sharing your thoughts praphulla❤️❤️


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