The Twenty Sixth Poem- Calm After Storm

Calm After Storm

It was at the end of the storm,
When the night began to take form,
That the clouds cleared up,
And the stars showed up.

When the rain descended,
And the rainbow came and ended,
The dust settled down everywhere,
Everything became clear, and the sky became bare.

’Twas when my outburst happened,
And I released all my emotions that had heightened,
That the ache in my chest disappeared,
And all the good things reappeared.

My story’s been tragic off late,
I had caged myself at a high rate;
Now I want to fly past this rusted gate,
It's time for a new tale on a fresh slate.

Untangled, caught up in the mess,
I made efforts to come out, but it was always worthless;
‘Twas only when I realised that it was all a protection,
That I could clearly see every bit of the perfection.

I realise nothing good comes from bottling up things,
I oughta free them up and give them wings;
Just let them fly, just let them flow,
’Cause I will know real peace only by letting them go.

 -Jaanvi Veluguleti


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