The Thirty Fifth Poem- Precious People

 Precious People๐Ÿ’Ž

Treasure those people
Who are gifted to you in life;
Listen to the voice that is feeble,
Whispering the words of the wise.

God bless the beings
Who are there for each other;
Setting apart their life’s proceedings,
They are present for another.

God helps you through them
In moments of despair;
God makes you shine again ’cause of them,
’Cause they’re there and they always care.

The ones who help us selflessly,
Without asking for anything in return;
The ones who reach out when we’re crying helplessly,
Are the ones worth being valued a ton.

In a world where genuineness is in dearth,
It is comforting to see selfless people;
They are unspoken gems on this earth,
Always being there and helping us be stable.

Lucky are those who have such people, cause they’re rare;
I feel blessed to have mine in my life;
The gems in my life know who they are,
I am grateful for always having them by my side.

They tell me when I go wrong,
They always have the best intentions for me,
They encourage me to be strong,
They’re always present for me, however busy they might be.

Seeing them leads to admiration;
I hope one day I can be that person for someone;
From selfless people, I take inspiration,
’Cause if you’ve made a difference in someone's life, then you’ve won.

- Jaanvi Veluguleti


  1. You are already admired in many ways...Thanking God for all the blessings and seeking His grace always.

  2. Good one! Reminder at end of the year to be grateful for all those selfless people!!

  3. I have not read something as good as this in a while. Great choice of words. God bless !!


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