The Thirty Fourth Poem- Life Happens For You

Life Happens For You๐Ÿ€

It was around the world tour
And I came back to you,
I found every piece of me
Fit perfectly in the puzzle queue.

All the mazes were God’s plan,
All the turbulences were lessons in disguise;
And I was put through all of it to realise,
That I could emerge stronger and more wise.

Every dark storm was a painful sight,
But I endured each of them with all my might;
Every step of my way, I didn’t know if I was doing it right,
But I kept going anyway.

My only driving force was faith,
It still is, and it always will be;
Giving me the strength to endure anything
That life, with or without warning, throws at me. 

After going through the whole ride,
And rising like a Phoenix every time,
Now I see with my clear eyes,
Why everything happened as it did.

Life is mysterious yet magical,
Might feel difficult and strategical;
But realise that you’re supported all the way through,
And that the end of it all is a better you.

- Jaanvi Veluguleti


  1. Loved it. Amazing ๐Ÿค—

  2. Embrace the magic๐Ÿ˜ Keep up your strength๐Ÿค

    1. Hii dear!!! Love to read this again and again ,looking for more such wonderful work
      Sirisha with love

    2. Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts aunty!

  3. Amazing good keep it up (murali reddy)


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