The Fortieth Poem- Sorrow And Strength

Sorrow And Strength

What do I tell myself,
When the thought alone makes me cry,
When the place reminds me of it,
The grief that was witnessed by the midnights?

How do I console myself?
What words do I say to myself?
When I uncontrollably burst out into tears,
But try to restrict them to the edges of my pillow?

Grief, fuelled by rage
Caused due to deep hurt,
Causes an ache in my heart,
And the loop reiterates all over again.

My mind says fine, now you can let go,
And for a moment I think I can keep it all together;
Then suddenly the feeling of angst comes back,
With tears sticking down my eyes, I sob helplessly.

The aftermath of my sorrow is always prayer;
I realise I can convey my feelings to the higher power,
So I pray, I say every bit I want to say,
And slowly, bit by bit, my grief starts to fade away.

I am aware that there’s always prayer,
But I need to bawl my eyes out,
To let go of withheld emotions,
And pour back in my cup of optimism.

For your smallest or deepest grief,
Remember that you can talk to your dearest ones,
Or that you always have the higher power,
Both of which are always ready to listen to you and offer you solace.

-Jaanvi Veluguleti


  1. Felt so touched and totally connected.
    Thanks for reiterating the thought to count our blessings🎊 and have strong faith on the Supreme power.πŸ’«

  2. So touched and connected with each line. I love the saying of be optimistic and believe in super power. 😍
    --- Padmaja.


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